Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Fragments

Speak IV, oil on paper, 3 x 3 inches

Speak III, oil on paper, 3 x 3 inches

Speak II, oil on paper, 3 x 3 inches

More fragments. I wonder how much of a person's face has to be shown for a piece to communicate as a portrait? I haven't thought of these as portraits, but maybe that's something I'll try next.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Overstep, 14.5" x 22",oil on paper

Years ago my friend Alex inadvertently snapped a photo when her camera was pointed at the floor. I loved the result–a picture of her houndstooth skirt, black pumps and the tile floor she was standing on. Ten years later I still have that image in my mind, and I finally painted something similar. My feet, in my comfy old pink slippers, taking a tentative step over the edge.